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Easy Experience (Alternative)
Go to a place where you can find the Summonermonster (eg Giant of Babel). When you find one,kill everyone except the Summoner. When therest of the enemies have been defeated, let himsummon more enemies, and then attack them.Repeat this process until you feel you are readyto move on.
Extra Battle Tip (With Active Battle Time)
If your battle mode is set to Active (meaningthat while you make selections for magic oritems, the enemies can still attack or domagic), you can organize yourself so that you donot have to take as much time in battle. Go tothe items or magic screen when you are outsideof battle. Press the A button on one of youravailable choices, and then move your controlpad to one of the other choices and press A.These two items or spells will switch places.This is good because you can organize yourspells into categories, like Fire, Fira, Firaga,and Firaja.
How To Get To Underworld
Once you recieve the Magma Stone, this is yourticket to the Underworld. Fly to the village ofAgart (from the City of Baron fly directlysouth. If you cannot get to Baron open yourminimap with Sight). Walk up and enter thegarden in which the deep well is. Stand infront of the well, and press A. Enjoy a smallclip, where you will watch the north mountainsopen up into a crater. From there, exit thevillage, enter your airship the Enterprise, andfly up to where the crater is. Press A when youare directly over it.
How To Beat Dark Cecil
When you reach the part of the game where Cecilbecomes a Paladin, you will have to battle theold version of yourself. This battle isunique. The dark Cecil will keep using his darkattack, but don't even press any buttons. Thebattle will go on like this for a few turns andthen you will win. Just keep in mind that youCANNOT attack or use items, magic or anything.Just sit there and do nothing while you enjoythe fact that you are going to win without doinganything!
Fleeing Battle
Hold the L and R button simultaneously to fleefrom monsters in a battle.*Note: there will be a delay if the monstersturn comes before any of your party members, inwhich case wait until they are finishedattacking.
Easy Experience
When you are in a part of the game where youcan't continue on to the next part because yourparty is not strong enough, then here is an easyway to gain experience: kill all of your partymembers except for one, and then use thatcharcter to do all the battling while training.He or she will gain all of the experience forthat battle, thus growing levels more quickly.Repeat this process for all party members.
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Unlock The Lunar Ruins
After you beat the game once, the camara willcenter onto a rock shaped like a face in thesurface of the moon. The rock will explode and anew dungeon will open. Save your game and you'llbe able to go inside. There are four kinds ofstages: Normal, Event, Puzzle, and Remembrance.
Unlock The Music Player
After you beat the game for the first time, theMusic Player will have become avilable underthe 'Extras' option in the title screen.
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Quest For Excalibur
To obtain the Excalibur you must first go to theCave of Summons in the Underworld and obtain theRat Tail on B4F. Once you are able to hoist yourhovercraft onto the Enterprise, drop it off inMythril and use it to reach the Adamant Grottosoutheast of the town. One of the men there willtrade your Rat Tail for a piece of Adamantite.Take the Adamantite to Kokkol's Smithy in thesoutheast corner of the Underworld, and give itto him. After you've returned from the moon, yoursword will be ready and you'll be glad you wentthrough all the trouble because of Excalibur'sextreme power.
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Adamant Armor
When you're inside the Giant of Babel make sureyou steal a lot of sirens from the Searchers andRight Arms (you should steal at least 10) beforegoing to fight the CPU, becuse if you don'tthey'll be a lot harder to get later. When youget to the Lunar Subterrane, go inside the smallroom that has a red fang in the treasure chestand use a siren. You'll be taken into a fightwith 5 Flan Princesses. At the beggining the willonly say 'let's dance' but this is your onlyopportunity to kill them because they will startattacking and cause berserk on all of yourcharacters with no way to heal. If you can defeatthem, you will get the Pink Tail which you haveto give to the man in Adamant Grotto in Exchangefor an Adamant Armor.
Four 'Secret' Summons
There are four summons that Rydia can learn onlyif she's given an item with the name of thesummon and a white little circle next to it.These items are very rare ti find and must bedropped by an enemy. They are the following:
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Ffv Walkthrough
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We have no unlockables for Final Fantasy IV Advance yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
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